Tuesday, October 29, 2013

sumo suits and catching up

Hello there!
Wow... its been over a year since I darkened the (virtual) door of this little blog. I didn't intend to abandon it, but life is pretty uneventful on this side of the screen. I hope this finds you well!
I spent the summer taking classes and am getting into the Teacher Education Program which keeps me pretty busy. I've found that my day-to-day goings on have been best reflected in a small journal.

But a few weeks ago my best friend told me that she missed reading my posts, so I guess I'll write one. It just so happens to be about her birthday party!

Sydney turned 21 on October 7th. She didn't know it, but we had been planning a surprise party for her for months! Honestly, on her birthday we all felt like complete jerks because we kind of blew her off and didn't offer to do anything special for her big two-one. Little did she know that we were actually the Three Best Friends That Anyone Could Have!!!

[I apologize from the crappy quality of the photos. I dropped the picture-taking ball and had to steal from instagram!]

You see, she mentioned that she would love to sumo wrestle a la The Office episode "Beach Day". We made it happen! And we totally wrestled in the front yard on a Monday night. Trust me, all the cool kids are doing it. 

It resulted in a lot of this:

It was super fun! And yes, she's continued to wear the suits in her daily life. One of the many, many reasons that I love her! 

Fellow party planners sandwiching the birthday girl! (At this point I was catching my plate on fire. NBD.)
I so enjoy planning parties for the people I love! It's wicked awesome!

Other than throwing sort of weird-themed ragers, we've done some pretty fun things over this past year. In March, Tom and I ran Spartan Sprint in Conyers, Georgia. I AM SPARTA! AROO!
In June, Tommy's sister joined the Mrs. club.
Oh! And we totally got to see the Backstreet Boys!! What?! Yes. It was fantastic. Fangirled big time over Nick Carter. Tommy also took me to see John Mayer, which was on my bucket list. Loved it! Except for the creepy old drunk guy who kept asking to take pictures with me. Why do creepy drunk guys have to make things so weird all the time?

I guess in the mundane-ness of my day-to-day, some pretty exciting things have happened. I should really do a better job of documenting it all. I'm going to try to get back into the swing of keeping up this little blog. However, that does not mean that I'm going to post regularly. And I'm not going to let myself feel bad about that. This semester I've had to learn to say, "no" to some things without feeling guilty and its been a hard lesson to learn. But more on that later.

Leave me a comment and let me know how you've been since we last spoke (typed)! Sending love from my glowing screen to yours!